What is it about {#what-is-it-about}

Decided to create a webiste! I will be hosting notes and what i think it is interesting to keep online. Mainly nerd stuff such as emacs, window manager, programming, art and whatever i feel like it. I will write everything in plain text (org mode) and will try to create a way to parse the information in a dynamic way.

So far what i have in mind:

Infrastructure {#infrastructure}

  1. create notes with org mode
  2. use org-ruby to parse org notes into html
  3. use tilt to convert scss into css
  4. use .erb as the template of the website
  5. use rake to build everything before pushing to git

[2021-01-27 Wed] as of today this will be hosted in neocities. So i will also use their command line tool!

Wish me luck!
